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Sunday, February 1, 2015

Caught in a storm

Dark mists assembled above us, yet we were excessively expectation on playing football. We trusted that the mists would leave with the goal that we could proceed playing. Our trusts were run when out of nowhere overwhelming precipitation started to pour. In almost no time we were completely drenched. To make matters most noticeably terrible, lightning flashed perilously near us. The stunning thunder and yelling wind didn't help either.

We ran towards an enormous tree under which we had stopped our bikes. The tree gave some sanctuary from the downpour and we were enticed to stay under it. Anyway, we realized that it was hazardous to remain under a tree during a tempest. So we jumped on our bikes and accelerated off.

There was no other safe house accessible close by. So I, for one, chose to return home. Since I was at that point totally wet, I may as well return home rather than looking for cover.

It was just about the fiercest tempest I had ever been in. The driving precipitation made cycling troublesome as I was unable to see more than several meters before me. A vehicle flashed past me. It was really close. Maybe the driver didn't see me. So I thought it was smarter to stop someplace before I got hit by another vehicle.

Fortunately, I found a bus station with a rooftop. I rushed readily under the rooftop despite the fact that I needed to impart it to twelve others who were additionally drenched. It was somewhat of a crush however nobody grumbled.

For an hour the tempest lashed everything around us. We were quiet observers to a marvelous presentation of intensity essentially. I felt little and powerless, even apprehensive; yet I could sit idle yet watch.

At long last, the downpour eased back down to a shower and the breeze faded away. I could at present hear far off thunder however the most noticeably terrible of the tempest was finished. So joyfully I jumped on my bike and accelerated home.
dash sb's hopesto destroy someone's hopes
vulnerableable to be easily physically, emotionally, or mentally hurt, influenced or attacked
drizzlerain in very small light drops

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