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Blossom Themes

Sunday, February 1, 2015

A Nightmare

"Try not to eat not long before heading to sleep !" my mom used to let me know. "You may get a bad dream." How right she was. I never trusted her until it happened to me. It was on a night when I felt hungry similarly as I was going to hit the hay. So I made myself a nutty spread sandwich and a huge virus glass of milk. Subsequent to expending them I headed to sleep.

Before long I floated off into a disturbed rest. I imagined that I was with a gathering of individuals searching for an elderly person. I didn't know why we were searching for her but rather we as a whole appeared to fear her. In one way or another, we needed to discover her. So there I was, looking all over for her in appalling spots I had never been. Once in a while, I appeared to be flying while on different occasions I appeared to be not able to move. The entire climate was one of dread, similar to a repulsive blood and gore flick in which I was a casualty.

After some looking through I went into an obscured room and saw a figure resting on a bed. As I got closer the figure abruptly discarded the cover, got up and gazed at me. It was a revolting elderly person with gleaming brilliant teeth. She raised her paw like fingers and strolled towards me.

I needed to run however couldn't. I attempted to shout yet found that I proved unable. With sickening dread, I battled and attempted to escape from the ghastly lady.

The following minute I gave a suppressed shout and wound up gasping on my bed. Wow, what a loathsome bad dream it was! For a moment or so I lay on my bed not setting out to close my eyes because of a paranoid fear of nodding off again and proceeding with the bad dream. At that point, I sat up on my bed until the unpleasant inclination passed. From that point on I never eat simply resting.
drift offto gradually start to sleep
search high and lowsearch everywhere for something
muffleda quiet and less clear sound

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